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The Recommendation


Hello, my Chinese friends! I am Kinzang Dorji, from the Kingdom of Bhutan.



Since the 1970s, Bhutan has been pursuing cross national happiness as its primary development goal. Thanks to the profound wisdom and foresight of our world King, his name is Jigme Singye Wangchuck. Since then, Bhutan has been known the world over, as one of the happiest countries, and definitely as the happiest country in Asia. As we know throughout the world, as more and more wealth is created, young people are becoming more and more anxious, accompanied by insecurity, turmoil and dissatisfaction.



In Bhutan, although young people face similar challenges, I believe in the Buddhism principle of the middle part in balancing material pursuit with that of the spiritual, psychological, and emotional wellbeing has helped our young people to overcome the modern day stresses.



Ive met Dr. Lin in the Shenzhen Happiness Forum on the theme “Gross National Happiness Index” in 2013. We were able to explore each other’s insights about happiness in depth. Since then, I have known that she is a practitioner who has full enthusiasm for life and profound knowledge of happiness.



Thereby strongly recommend of Dr. Lin’s psychological course. If you desire to achieve happiness, then you must know that material in the enrichment must not lead to spiritual import meant and that it must address emotional and psychological needs of the individual, as they have been educating among the youth in return. So do not miss Dr. Lin’s Psychological Course.






话题 5768

