04 Parental Relaxation Exercise


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你好I am maria joao alvitio, an international trainer from the International Association of infant massage. And in this episode audio, I will remind you the importance of parental relaxation exercise, we already covered the outline for our parental class. And in this episode audio, I will go a little deep with you about the importance and the intent behind the relaxation exercise for parents. And also, to inspire you with some ideas how to do in a different way in each parental session? 


It is very important always to reinforce the intent behind the exercise of relaxation for parents. The intent behind is to help parents, experience and understand the importance of relaxation before and during massage in the class and also at home.  it's also important to inform parents on how their own stage of relaxation can influence their baby because always babies are a mirror of the parents. Its very important you as an instructor in each session, no matter if you are in the first session on the last session, always you need to teach and to lead parents to different ways of relaxation. you can use breathing you can use some soft music, you can use exercise over visualization, or you can choose some slow and gentle physical movements. 

加强父母自我放松运动的背后意义是非常重要的。这个意义就是可以帮助家长,体验并理解在上在上婴儿抚触课或是在家给孩子进行按摩之前和按摩中的自我放松是很重要的。 讲师需要告知父母自己的放松的状态是直接对宝宝有影响的,情绪的是会感染的,这点很重要,因为婴儿就像是父母的一面镜子。作为每节课的讲师,无论你是上第一节课还是最后一节课,你都需要教导和引导父母用不同的放松方式来做好自我调整。您可以使用呼吸法,你可以使用一些柔和的音乐,你可以通过简单运动,或是通过想象力,或者你可以选择一些缓慢且舒缓的肢体的运动达到放松的目的。

At the same time, it's important to be aware as an instructor. The parents may prefer to keep their eye open during the relaxation, during the relaxation as they may want to have eye contact with their baby and their babies can get anxious if their parents close their eyes. As always, the instructor invites parents to accept to do the relaxation no matter if the eyes are open or closed according the baby needs and parental needs. It will be very different at home perhaps and they have their own atmosphere their own space and also as an instructor you need to remind parents do at home the parental relaxation exercise before they start to asking permission to start the baby massage. 


I can share with you a very beautiful parental exercise from Vimala Maclure our founder of our program. She invites parents to do three very deep breath. And each breath, Vimala invite the parents to follow some statements, I will share with you this exercise. Breath in a very very deep way. In the first breath Invite parents to affirm, I now let go all my tensions, my body is relax, and breath in and out , In the second breath, to invite parents to affirm, I release all my tension and I will focus on my baby ,  And breath in and out, Let all always go out from your mind and in the last breath, in the third breath, invites the parents to affirm that I am the gentle power of love, flowing through my hands to my baby. Invites parents to visualize all the love they feel for their babies and very deep breath in and out, and step by step the baby will feel how parents it's in a relaxed and a tuned moment with them. No matter the exercise, intention is our mission statement to communicate, and to give nurturing touch and then how we can communicate with the baby. How we can nurture our baby if we invited their parents to invited them. They need to take care, they came to the class very stressful with some tired level, Anxiety stress level, sometimes they are not slept very well in the last few nights, they cannot establish a true communication with 5senses, they cannot touch with very relaxed hands and if they don't have time for them. It's very very important to take care of the parent’s stage of relaxation Stage. It's always invitation. 


在这里,我可以与大家分享一个非常棒的家长自我放松的练习的方式,这是从国际婴儿抚触协会创始人维码拉女士的一种放松练习法。这个方法是邀请父母做三次深呼吸法。每一次呼吸之间,都邀请父母跟着一些口令来进行,我会和大家一起分享这个练习。呼吸的方式一定是非常深。在深呼第一口气的时候,请父母跟随老师做自我肯定法:我现在放开我所有的紧张的情绪,我的身体是放松的,并慢慢的呼出  在第二次呼吸之间,我们邀请父母自我肯定,: 我释放所有的紧张的情绪,我会专注于我的孩子,并慢慢的呼出,让一切从你的脑海平静下来,来进行最后呼吸,在第三次呼吸中,请父母自我肯定: 我是爱的温柔力量,通过我的手传递给我的宝宝,同时邀请父母想象他们对孩子的所有爱,感觉到深呼吸,一步一步地让宝宝感受到父母在放松和谐的时刻是如何与她们在一起。

无论通过什么方式的自我练习,我们的目的就是和IAIM使命宣言保持一致的,通过抚触来进行沟通,并给予滋养性的抚触,然后我们如何能够与宝宝建立关系。如果我们邀请他们的父母在提升自我,如何怎样更好才能养育我们的孩子。家长们需要更加用心,他们在工作上压力很大,有些疲劳,焦虑、压力,有时他们可能睡不好,可能连续几个晚上睡不好,他们是不能和宝宝建立真正的沟通的,通过我们的5个感官,家长往往触摸的手是需要非常放松的手,如果他们没有时间给他们自己做好放松的准备。孩子是没有办法感受到的。 这些练习我们邀请家长一定要坚持!

Some parents cannot use the hands or cannot use the body to do an exercise. Because sometimes parents at that time they pick up the baby, and sometimes they are breastfeeding or sleeping the baby, keep simple and choose one exercise possible for everyone. It is possible for everywhere. Everybody can do at the class. You can create different kinds of exercise. You can use this example from Vimala with breath very deep breath with good thoughts. You can also guide the parents around visualization travel for example or a dream or desire. Or you can use a very slow and gentle movements like face massage or a hand massage. Or invite parents to do some circle with hands, foots, or some stretching movement with the back and arms, pay your attention in your group. Each group is different each moment is different. Sometimes you use more movements, sometimes you use more breathing, or visualization according to the group needs, and also remind for yourself before you start the parental class, take care of you. Because again, you cannot promote nurturing touch. You cannot promote communication if you as an instructor not to achieve that peaceful moment before you start the class, that peaceful moment with yourself using also sometimes visualization for yourself, a very deep breathing for yourself or some comfort food for yourself to nurturing yourself as an instructor, taking care of you, you are taking care of parents if parents felt more relaxed, the baby will feel more relaxed atmosphere around the class. 



Take with care and attention the parental exercise and you will see how it would will be, wonderful for parents and baby to have these relaxation time in the outline of our International Association of infant massage. Xie Xie.




话题 728

