02 IAIM Parental Class Outline


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02 IAIM Parental Class Outline 

你好, I am maria joao alvito, an trainer of international of infant massage association, it is a pleasure to be with you again to talk today in the second episode about the parenting infant course outline. When we prepare a journey, a travel in our lives, we prepare details, because in details it is the art of our lives, to achieve good experience, good photos from that travel, good memories from that travel. We prepare at home all the details around, and this is the same as what we do as an instructor. We need to take care of the details of parental class for a mom or a client. And I will spend a little minute talking with you about that.


To remind you, the course is for parents and their infants. From birth to the age of 1 year old, and we need to always return to the purpose of the international association of infant massage. The purpose of the course, the purpose of teaching infant massage is to improve the relationship and the communication between parents and their babies through nurturing touch. The number of parents attending will depends on how many families you as an instructor are comfortable in teaching, how comfortable you teach also depends the size of the room. It is only good to remind you that IAIM recommends meeting the parents once a week, and a minimum of five times. Give parents and baby time to achieve an experience in the group of parents with a teaching experienced instructor. If you allow giving time to parents and babies to return at home, and to experience at the home of routine massage and step by step intergraded the process, and step by step feel more confident and during the parental routine and baby routine massage at home.


It is important to keep the class short and simple. In order to achieve that goal, before the talk It is nurturing yourself, before you start the class, how you are nurturing yourself. of course, you already read your manual, you already take notes, take your personal notes, you already used the notes for your training, you organized the venue, you cleaned, you have all the materials for each family, but you need to take care of you, a little time sometimes a little minute, silence  with yourself, or taking a tea, or eating chocolate, you know your best way to take care of yourself. Take a few minutes, It is very important to bring you peace.


And then we will start our clients with the opening, the opening is very important we start with a big smile, internal smile from you. We will welcome attitude to welcome parents and babies in our class, we teach them what we will do in the class in order for the parent to understand, and we will teach what parts of class we will teach, and also what is the subject to be discussed in the parental discussion in the end.


Parents always want to know better how they can do and how they will do during the sessions they want to do the best for their children, for their babies.


Sometimes you need to reinforce the rules again.

You remember what we talked together in the training about the rules for our parental class, not to use a mobile phone, we never want the baby to wait for the parental attention, and we are not want to disturb the parents and families around the group and also as an instructor you have the responsibility to teach to the parents never force the baby, if the baby is crying or shows the sign that they want to breastfeed or sleeping, or just playing around , the instructor need to show with the doll, most important point in our class is to respect the physical and emotional of baby needs, and never force babies during the crying or sleeping moment.


Then we go to invite the parents to do ice-breaker in another piece of episode I can give you different ideas how to do ice-breaker, but remember the ice-breaker will bring to the families opportunity share something from the babies, Something from the week, or something from the parents, We will sharing sincere among the group.


After that you can show your doll different possibilities if parents do not sleep at night, Parents need a little time to relax, You can show with your doll, you can show with your body and you can give some examples on how to achieve parental exercise.


In Another episode I will tell you some examples to reinforce parental relaxation, after a few minutes of relaxation to how to do and how to use different positions, Always remember their not good or bad positions. but according to each baby and each family, we need to look for comfort of baby. It is unique for some of them.


Then we go to the crucial part which is asking permission, we as an instructor have the ability to show with our doll, how to ask permission to the babies, and invites parents to do that with their babies, and wait for babies for their cues, how the baby reacts to the asking permission, if ok we continue if baby give a negative set of cutes, we comfort the baby, we stop introduction, we can show resting hands, pick up the baby, comfort the baby, is everything is ok according to each baby are unique needs,


then you go to the practical strokes, we have body parts for that session, we will show on your doll and You will give feedback to the parents in order to improve their hand's confidence. Sometimes baby cries or baby felt not comfortable, you can also show the touch technique like resting hands, contentment, touch relaxation, they are very good techniques to respect baby cues if the baby needs to stop, or if the baby shows a negative reaction from the strokes, and then you can after the new strokes and you can show the strokes you teach in another session, it is always good to review strokes.


It's good to facilitate learning, Parents need to do things in a simple way. When you review all the strokes, the new and old strokes, you can pick up the doll and invite parents to pick up their babies in a very beautiful way to thank you, baby, for this moment, thank you for this time.


Then you start the theoretical part. You go over your manual, you choose one of the points from the manual, from the theoretical part, and I will remind you the history of IAIM it is very important, oil, the best condition of doing massage, reflex, infant cues, also the topics like benefits, behavioral stage, adaptation for growing child, all belong to the theoretical part.


When you finish teaching the theoretical part, you can start this parental discussion, reminds you the parental discussion is the time to facilitate the dialogue, it’s time to welcome inputs from each family, value, and give time to each family to put their questions and experience, history, it's the time for them, and Vimala always want parenting class to parenting together, families to have time and space to be together,  to build parenting and felt secure for any kind of judgments, or any kind of medical advice, you are the instructor, Never judge the family and never give any kind of medical advice, you value the inputs from each family and you bring awareness to themselves, confidence and self- esteem about they can be a good mother and they can be a good father no matter the situation, no matter the challenge, they are the best parents for their babies.


For the closure, you remind yourself to close with a beautiful quote, poem, or choose a beautiful picture to inspired parents to continue the routine at home, because a parental class is only an experience to inspire them to create their own unique routine with their unique baby, and of course, with the little explanation How it would be the next sessions, and parents always want to learn how they learn from next week, from next session, appreciated a moment and show gratitude. And enjoy, because you as an IAIM instructor always learn from parents and babies on how to improve the nurturing touch in the community and in their lives. Xie Xie. (Thank you)





话题 728

