01-IAIM Mission Statement


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主讲人:教练:玛丽亚·若昻( Maria Joao) / 翻译:Amy
国际婴儿抚触协会IAIM 资深教练 / 资深物理治疗师
主讲人:教练:玛丽亚·若昻( Maria Joao) / 翻译:Amy
主讲人介绍:国际婴儿抚触协会IAIM 资深教练 / 资深物理治疗师

01 IAIM Mission Statement 

你好@ I am Maria Joao, an International trainer from the international association of infant massage. And we are already met in the IAIM training, I already taught you in China, I am very happy to return and keep communication with you 


In this special time, we need to be strong and we need to work hard and respect our mission statement. And why are we talking about mission statement, because it is a crucial part of our work as an instructor, and also as a trainer? 


When we are alone or when you start one parental class or when you want to promote in the marketing, advertisingor marketing presentation of the IAIM program, you need to remind yourself of the mission statement. I will talk a later with you over this podcastI will read now the mission statement. After I will share with you some keywords to keep in mind.  


The international association of infant massage mission statement  

The purpose of the International Association of Infant Massage is to promote nurturing touch and communication through training, education, and research so that parents, caregivers, and children are loved, valued and respected throughout the world community. 


This mission statement was created during an international conference held in 1992 by a group of over 100 instructors from different cultures and a crossed the globe. And now I will share with you some keywords from this mission statement, I think it will keep alive in your future work as an instructor and responsibility. 



The first keyword is to promotewe as the infant massage instructor, we never force the baby to receive the massage, we never force parents to give massage. We invite parents and teach parents to observe the babies, to observe the physical and emotional needs of the baby. It's a continuing invitation in each parental class we do to the parents, we do to the class. 


The second worI would like to reinforce, it is important we don't have the word massage in the mission statement, but we have the word nurturing touch. It’s very interesting and very crucial because you know about your experience. There are some babies around the world with some clinical conditionsthey can’t receive the massage, but they can receive nurturing touch techniquesand during your training, I already taught you some of them, such as touch relaxation, contentment, resting hands, we are always prompting nurturing touch, not only the massage technique strokes. 


The other word is very important is communication.  

We always do the massage with the babies. We need the participation of the baby, and the baby has actively grown with parents and families. We invite parents and we invite families to communicate with their babies and to listen. 


Because in our routine life, we never stop, we never slow down in order to listen, in order to observe the body language from the baby. 


And when we create time and atmosphere in our parental classwe are nurturing the atmosphere, we are nurturing parents and families to take time to slow down and to start communicating, using the 5 senses of their babies. 


Anther final word I would like to reinforce, it is the attitude to love, value, and respect.  As an instructor, we value the power to be a mother, the power to be a father. It’s not easy to our career lives to being a mother and father, but during the parental class, we valued, we give time for the participants in active roles during parental class,  which they can share experience, they can share questions, they can share historiesin our role as instructor is to empower parents to give confidence and self - esteem to the mother, to the father, to the family. 


Who massages the babies? Only parents who are allowed to massage their babies, and always the best person to massage their babies is the parents, together as the instructor, we will respect the emotional and physical needs from each family and each baby during the parental class. 


We will share the same mission statement with our colleagues around the world, and we will share with Vimala, her vision to all babies around the world to receive nurturing touchno matter the condition and no matter culture, no matter the language, we are together working around the world to promoting nurturing touch for our communities, for our families, and also for our lives. 谢谢! 




话题 728

